Cloud Walker

Neflibata - A cloud walker, one who lives in the cloud of their own imagination of dreams

I heard this word for the first time a few years ago on my ‘daily calm’ and again recently, this time it resonated with me in a different way. One month into being AF and I feel like I’m leading my own path up through the clouds. Society has conditioned us so to reach for the booze at every social situation whether you are celebrating, commiserating, at date night or happy hour… I know this better than most, as I was always the first at the bar and the last at the party! This week I have been out a lot socially after work and I have really enjoyed connecting with old and new friends. Highlights from this week have included…

Monday I went to see Jason Manford for a Funny AF night with great friends (earlier blog post on this >)

Wednesday I spent the evening with a great group of women, some that I knew and some that I didn’t, at a ‘Lean in’ creative circle. Usually I would have hidden behind a fish bowl of wine, wondering if the rash on my neck had appeared and whether I’d become too loud and was dominating the conversation. I really enjoyed genuinely connecting with these inspirational women and I am looking forward to getting to know the ladies better over the coming weeks and months.

Thursday I spent the evening with a group of girlfriends at Nude on the beach Restaurant. The setting was beautiful and the food was fantastic. Unfortunately our good friend who’s behind Nude was poorly so she couldn’t join us, but she kindly arranged for a great selection of AF options for me to choose from which I enjoyed with my Buddha Bowl….yes buddha bowl…for those who know me, they will know that this would not be my usual choice. I would usually go for the burger at least 90% of the time; so I have also noticed that I am choosing healthier choices when I go out, which I guess can only be a good thing!

Friday afternoon’s client meeting ended up in the pub. I wasn’t very impressed with the AF selection at Cheffins (especially as it’s my local), so we both chose a Fentimans and as if by magic my Jasmine and Lime actually tasted like a gin and tonic! Usually I’d have let one drink turn into four and returned home to Steve expecting him to cuddle up to drunk Jo. In my mind thinking I was a hot mess, but in Steve’s eyes, just a mess. This time, Sober Jo joined Steve for a meal (prepared lovingly by me - I’ll bore you with my new found cooking skills in a later post) Later snuggling up on the sofa with the fur babies together. All in all, a successful AF week! Feels like I’m walking on cloud nine.


If it doesn’t challenge you, it won’t change you.


Funny AF Night Out