If it doesn’t challenge you, it won’t change you.

This weekend saw my first proper challenge. I actually feel like I’ve earned the charity money I have raised so far for FOJO this month now!

2 friend’s birthday lunches back to back.  The first lunch was at Sumas and my best friend Lauren had planned the most incredible surprise party for her husband Matt’s 40th. She also spoke with the gorgeous people at Sumas to ensure AF beer was on the menu 👍

Usually I’d rush through my food, losing my appetite by the the second course, whilst guzzling my wine down like there was no tomorrow! Dining out is not cheap, so I really enjoyed savoring every mouthful.  I also loved catching up with friends.  I’ve had a few ‘WOW’ moments now from friends that I haven’t seen for a while.  ‘Your eyes look so bright and sparkly’ ‘You look so happy and glowing’, I can see how you could get addicted to this.  By the end of the lunch I’d usually feel fuzzy headed and a bit wobbly, this time I felt full of energy and ready to take on the Dolphin pub. The Dolphin smelt of old man farts.  Apparently when drunk old man farts don’t bother me so much.  Now my senses are heightened.  I had a cup of coffee (cheeky little pub pick me up) and a pint of water and after having the same conversation with someone 3 times, I decided to do a back door boogie.

The second lunch was at Cheffin’s restaurant.  It was so lovely to wake up on a Sunday morning and go out for a dog walk with Steve in the glorious sunshine rather than curl up in a ball on the sofa rotting all day. 

Usually after a double weekend I’d seriously consider booking the Monday off as holiday (what a waste of a day’s holiday) I’d justify it as a ‘recovery’ day to ensure that I was back on form before re-entering the office.  Because at the end of the day, lunch had always meant one thing, a day of drinking.  I now realise how crazy this is.  You can catch up with friends without a drink, you can get dressed up and go out and have a fantastic time without a drink.  It wasn’t easy, but change and transformation takes time and energy.  Have you seen the video about the boy and the butterfly? If there is no struggle there is no progress, be patient with every step of your journey and don’t let anyone rush you. 


Smart AF


Cloud Walker