Treating myself to a long AF Easter weekend (no hangovers here).

I am spending a moment reflecting on last weekend. Thursday evening kicked off the long Easter weekend in style with a birthday celebration with the girls. I love an excuse to dust off the party dress and to over indulge in sushi. I was greeted by one of my friends who had kindly bought along a couple of Square Root Non-Alcoholic Gin & Tonic (she checked with SOY first that they were happy for me to try it.). These are available to buy from Love Wine if you are looking to buy these locally. I can really recommend this to any gin and tonic fans who want to enjoy the taste without the unwanted side effects and ‘morning after the night before feeling’. This thoughtful gesture meant so much to me and really showed the support that I am receiving from all of those around me. I am very lucky to have such a fantastic group of friends - I do not take this for granted!!

“The more that we genuinely care about others the greater our own happiness and inner peace.”

— Allan Lokos

In the future, I’m going to work out what I am going to have to eat and drink pre-dinner. I will round up my meal + a couple of drinks + service and remove myself from the bill splitting situation that inevitably comes at the end of every group meal. I didn’t mind splitting on this occasion, but I think it could get a bit tedious paying for everyone’s cocktails on top of the dinner in the long run, yes people I am now that person. I need to be more organised in these situations, I’ve never been the person to volunteer to calculate the bill before, maths is not my strong point!

A few other friends joined us after dinner and I got chatting to them about my challenge to date. What I found fascinating is that one of these beauties declared that she hardly drinks at all and absolutely knows when to call a night a night. I’d always thought that she must be quite a big drinker, as she has the most shiny, outgoing personality going and sadly for me, I have always associated this with being tipsy, a good time gal. It’s only now that I am discovering that the shiniest people are letting their true-selves shine through, naturally, not booze fuelled ‘hot messes’. She thinks this attitude has come from her passion for rowing (something more important than getting hammered - wow, what a revelation). She grew up going to the party sober and leaving at a reasonable hour so that she could get up and compete. I wish that I’d got this memo earlier, but I have to remember that I needed to reach this point myself, in my own unique way, to truly appreciate the magic that can come from within.

I gave the girls a lift home (apparently people don’t mind my terrible driving after they’ve had a few drinks). It was nice to be able to give something back to them for being so supportive and helping me to get to this point in the challenge.


Smug face alert: I woke up on the Friday bright and early ready to enjoy the sunshine. You can not beat Jersey in the sunshine, I would have been GUTTED if I’d been hungover and I’d missed a day enjoying the sunshine. Steve and I walked the pooches down to Nude Food. It felt like we’d magically skipped buying a plane ticket, waiting at the airport and then had teleported ourselves to a warm, sunny destination. Pure Bliss. We enjoyed the reggae on the balcony and then headed home to be slaves to the sunshine on our own balcony. By the end of the day I felt relaxed and content.

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“Keep your face to the sun and you’ll never see the shadows”

— Helen Keller

Saturday was filled with family fun, including hot cross buns, egg hunting followed by egg eating. It was the perfect day, spent in the sunshine. I have the added benefit that my mum is still doing the challenge with me (go mum!) so there were no temptations or triggers at arms reach, plenty of herbal tea and ginger beer though.

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Sunday we celebrated a friends 40th Birthday party with a bbq in their garden. Rather than feel anxious about this social gathering, I was excited to see everyone. I am definitely more partial to a day time gathering now, trading in my night owl persona for a more comfortable chatty day time song bird. I came prepared with my fizzy AF wine and Seedlip and tonic. If people hadn’t known about me being Alcohol Free, I genuinely do not think they would have been able to tell. I danced around socialising with people (like the good old days with a drink in hand), but instead of stretching the party out for as long as physically possible, I felt when it was time for me to make my exit. Strangely, now when I feel this, this is when Steve would have wanted to leave in the past anyway. Win - Win. Car parked outside, home by 10, cuddle on the sofa with the furry children before a deep nights sleep. Thanks Moo for the photos below, which capture true love and friendship at its best…


Monday was another day of glorious sunshine, so went for another walk to Nude with the family. I felt like i’d had a much needed break and rest, whilst also catching up with lots of friends and family. I bounced back to work on the Tuesday, full of the joys of spring, ready to take on the week.

Did you make the most of your Easter weekend?


Crème de la crème


Juices are flowing...cheers to that!