Juices are flowing...cheers to that!

Literally, I mean I have had 3 days of juice and soup and THAT IS IT (Juice4life). As if giving up the booze wasn’t enough, I thought it would be a good thing to take a break from all the unrefined sugars / caffeine that I have started relying on far too often for that induced buzz. My vices include easily demolishing a packet of Haribo and packets of that damn pig Percy (m&s you have a lot to answer for), family packs of salt and vinegar crisps and chocolate mini eggs. I watched in awe at a friend of mine do the Juice4life detox the other week and I said to her ‘there is no way that I could do that’, she said back to me without hesitation ‘you absolutely could do this, you have given up alcohol remember?, this is easy!’. I took a moment and thought about what she had just said and realised, she is absolutely right. I now knew how to exercise my own self restraint. Hallelujah! I needed to realise that I can do absolutely anything that I put my mind to.

Sophrosyne - a healthy state of mind, characterised by self control, moderation, and a deep awareness of one’s true self, and resulting in true happiness.

How lucky am I to have people believe in me more than I believe in myself? I do appreciate that we are only talking about swapping solids for a liquid diet here and not anything world changing, but it still meant a lot to know that the belief was there. We all need cheerleaders, if you don’t have some, then please go out and get some, some that genuinely have your best interests at heart and that help cheer you along in the right direction when you may not be cheering for yourself. Also, please be someone else’s cheerleader, you have no idea how much it can mean to someone at that moment. It may not even be about the juice any more, it may make that person reflect on themselves differently and that’s mega!

I received the most thoughtful gift of Red Jasper from a friend who I’d initially introduced to the power of crystals and alternative healing. This stone helps with transitioning and should help me with my highs and lows within my alcohol free journey. It helps with taking responsibility, self confidence, protection and empowerment.

What’s been going on since I last came on here? I went on a fantastic sober date night with Mr.F at the newly refurbished Oyster Box, where we put our glad rags on (very grown up dress from my fab friend Charlie’s shop Chi Chi - down at St.Aubin) and enjoyed the most fantastic meal, including Oysters (obviously) washed down with a delicious non-alcoholic cocktail (the AF cocktail list is fantastic - well done JP Restaurants). Steve had a wine, which was fine and it felt like a treat.

Going out and not drinking has many benefits… firstly it saves you an absolute fortune - you don’t end up buying that extra bottle of bubbles and then wine, you drive home when you are ready and you stay looking nice until the end of the evening… not half cut and puking in a bucket, which was how many a ‘good’ night ended in the past. My relationship is definitely thanking me for ditching the booze.

I went out with a group of school friends, who I haven’t seen in a while to indulge in pizza. It was so lovely to see them. Rather than feel like the loud one, interrupting conversations through my boozed fuelled excitement, I felt like a balanced human being, holding a conversation, where one person talks and the other person listens and you take turns. I truly thought that there was something wrong with me in the past and self diagnosed myself over the years with all sorts. All I needed to do was drop the alcohol, get past the anxiety and calm down.

I am making this year one full of memories with people that I love. I am trying to instigate any moments with people that I think will bring joy to both of our lives. My latest was CATS at the theatre with two of my dearest friends. We headed to Seaton Place Social straight after work on a Monday evening. I had the tastiest alcohol free berry Mojito (they have a good selection to choose from - well done Liberation Group!). We stuffed our faces with burgers and sweet potato chips before heading to the show. The show was fantastic, such talent on our door step! I was especially proud of my friend Laura who blew us away with her heart warming rendition of Memory.

I am spending a lot of quality time with family and friends now that I have claimed back my weekends. My life isn’t just on a work - party - recharge loop any more, I now know what is important and i feel blessed to have finally realised this at 34.

Cheers to that!


Treating myself to a long AF Easter weekend (no hangovers here).


Double Celebrations