Crème de la crème

Since my last update I have been rather busy. I attended the Friends of Jersey Oncology, FOJO ‘Our Journey’ evening at the Royal Yacht. This is the charity that I am fundraising for this year. It was great to hear about all of the fantastic work that the charity have been up to and to find out some of the fundraising efforts that other people have been doing this year. Did you know that one lady set out to do 80 challenges in her 80th year - she’s absolutely smashed this and has now done 105 challenges, including aeroplane wing walking and a parachute jump! What a legend! This has inspired me to take my fundraising efforts up a notch, an AF event will be coming your way soon, just finalising the details at the moment, watch this space…

After this event, I went on to celebrate a friend’s birthday. I am finding that I am fitting so much more into my evenings, as I can easily jump into my car on to the next location. I had a fab evening and caught myself smiling at how much I was enjoying myself. The next morning I got up bright and early to make fresh juice for my sister and her husband and my little nephew Harry (WHO IS THIS PERSON? I LIKE HER). A friend of mine at work gave me the juicer, which I was extremely excited about. We made glasses of fresh beetroot, apple, carrot, celery and ginger. A great way to start the day!

A beautiful girlfriend of mine invited me to her weekly meditation meeting. She made extra space for me, knowing that I would really enjoy it, which i really appreciated. And oh did I enjoy it! After a stressful day at work, she wrapped me up like a baby burrito and spoke to the group with such gentle tenderness, that we drifted off into the most relaxed state. Heaven. I could have stayed there all night quite happily. Once she’d successfully woken us from our peaceful slumber, she offered us soup, with melted cheese and dippy french bread. We spent the rest of the evening chatting and enjoying each other’s company, not a wine glass in site. How refreshing! It was nice not to be the only person without an alcoholic drink in my hand.

Friday evening and another birthday party, but this time a 40th and it was set to be messy. I’d not been feeling very well that week, so it felt like a challenge to go out, show up and be the best version of myself. It was so lovely to see so many gorgeous friends in one place, all there to celebrate our very special friend’s birthday. This is the same friend who said ‘If you get through 1 year, I’ll donate £500 to charity’ 2 months in, he was flabbergasted that I was still going ‘you’re not still doing that no drinking thing are you?’ I took great joy in telling him that I absolutely was still doing that no drinking thing, and that I had noted down his very generous donation to charity. Never underestimate someone, they may just prove you wrong (and you may end up £500 down!)

Usually, I do not make the Boat Show, as I am recovering from a stonking hangover. This year I went and enjoyed the sunshine and the Coco-Rico Crepes, which leads me nicely on to…my day trip to St.Malo with the girls. Well I say day trip, but it actually turned into a TWO day trip, courtesy of Condor Ferries, who cancelled our ferry back due to technical issues. We spent the two days over indulging in cheese and running from shop to shop in a desperate attempt to buy half of St.Malo. I am not going to lie, there were times during these two days where I could have murdered a glass of Châteauneuf-du-Pape, especially when we thought that the hotel that Condor had kindly placed us in (after 3.5 hours of queuing) was fully booked!! I enjoyed fantastic AF cocktails over lunch and sparkling wine with my dominos pizza delivery at 11.30 at night when we FINALLY got booked into our hotel room for the night. Getting away with the girls was the perfect tonic.

Next up on the bank holiday conveyor belt was Liberation Day and I’d planned for myself and one of my gorgeous friends to go to Kismet & Cabana’s beach club. We spent the afternoon listening to live music (and a bit of silent disco) and being fed fabulous food on the beach. It was windy, but a lovely day and it showcased what a unique venue my friends have down there for in the summer. This year is all about experiences and enjoying people’s company, music and food - not just going 100 miles an hour and grabbing a drink (or 5).

i spent my weekend sorting through my wardrobe, mixing in all my new purchases and re-falling in love with what I have. I’ve had a fantastic AF couple of weeks, the crème de la crème, literally the very best.

Au revoir x


Hvar Sober Hen do & Holiday


Treating myself to a long AF Easter weekend (no hangovers here).