Smart AF

Thursday night the BWI Jersey Team + 1 from Gallery magazine, attended the CIPR media and agency Quiz night at the Post Horn. Money raised on the night went to Cancer Reaearch Jsy & iprovision.

Firstly, I was surprised and glad to find non alcoholic beer on the bar (Thanks Keith & Team). Secondly I’ve discovered that I HATE quizzes, with a passion. General knowledge is definitely not my bag, luckily for me the BWI team ensured that we saved face and did not loose infront of our industry peers, coming in 10/12 (ouch). Definitely a case of team work makes the dream work!

It made me think, at past events like this I’d have got tipsy and found myself terribly amusing, answering the questions with silly answers and feeling like a whitty comedian. Here’s the urban dictionary definition for whitty for those who don’t know:

An awful attempt at commenting on something in order to sound clever.

I attempted a few Sober ‘funnies’ throughout the evening which just flopped. As my team mates became more merry, I unfortunately became more awkward with my silence. No answers to the questions and no whitty banter! I felt a bit lost and flat. I know this is meant to be a challenge and it’s not always going to be easy. I guess, if I didn’t like something before going sober, I’d have had a drink to ‘get through it’; there will be times now which will feel awkward and uncomfortable as I’ll no longer be numbing myself, but facing things head on. I know it all sounds very over dramatic, but I guess I will truly find out what I like and what I don’t like, which will be an interesting journey. That all said, it was obviously great to get out of the office with fantastic company and to treat ourselves to chicken in a basket (other fried food was available) and most importantly to help raise money for a fantastic charity.

In the great words of Winston Churchill 'Never, never, never give up'


Love Drug


If it doesn’t challenge you, it won’t change you.