It starts with you

How often have you gone to a bar, restaurant or pub and wished that they had a better selection of drinks that are not alcoholic on the menu? Whilst some places have started to include No-and Low (No-Low) options on their menu, there is still a long way to go!

Whether you are not interested in alcohol, don't like the taste or effect that alcohol has on you, you are driving, taking a break, mindfully drinking by switching between alcoholic and No-Low drinks, pregnant, on medication, for religious reasons or have a problem with alcohol. There are lots of reasons why consumers want choice.

Not wanting to make a fuss, you either opt for a drink with alcohol in (as it's easier), or you choose a drink that lacks in taste and flavour, presented to you in a kids cup, without the theatre and experience that your friends 'grown up' drinks offer.

A lot of people do not feel confident asking for something not on the menu. I have often asked for an alcohol-free version of a cocktail, and the establishment has then made it for me, but they need to be aware of this and ensure that any options that could be made alcohol-free are highlighted on the menu. Also, not everyone wants a cocktail with their dinner; like the rest of the table, it would be nice to join in with an alcohol-free beer or wine. If an establishment can afford a whole menu with a selection of wines and spirits, it can afford a couple of alcohol-free options. A consumer shouldn't have to feel like they are being awkward and need to call up ahead of time to see if they will be catered for.

If we do not ask, then the hospitality industry will think there is no demand for it. There are some fantastic No-Low suppliers in Jersey with new, exciting product ranges, but unless the pubs, bars and restaurants know that people are asking for it, they are unlikely to get the products on the menus. The quality of the alcohol-free products has improved so much since they first came out, so we must give these new options a chance. Unfortunately, the money made on some alcohol-free ranges is less than the alcohol counterparts, so it is less likely to be pushed by an establishment. The industry needs to be more inclusive and responsible with the options offered, especially after the last 17 months, which has made many people with a healthy relationship with alcohol reassess this relationship. The 2020 Jersey Opinions and Lifestyle Report showed that 29% of drinkers were drinking more often than before the Corona Virus outbreak.

The No-Low alcohol market is expected to grow 34% by 2024. A movement is happening with more and more people standing up to say that they are proud not to drink alcohol, sharing the joys of sobriety or drinking mindfully, slowly moving away from the stigma that not drinking means that you are boring. The wellness trend is also significant here, with people opting for a healthier lifestyle, looking for healthier choices when treating themself, whether at home or out, playing it forward and being aware of what doesn't serve them in the long run.

Some don't like the taste of alcohol or can't have something that tastes like alcohol as it triggers them; having tasty options, presented in a nice glass with garnish if appropriate, can make all the difference for someone who may otherwise feel like they are missing out.

Advertising has a big part to play too. Alcohol has been glamorised for years, sponsoring all of the high profile events. No-Low products and brands are slowly starting to appear on our screens as brands recognise the social responsibility to consumers. They are positioning drinks without alcohol and the people who drink them as having just as much fun, living healthier lives where they get to drive their car home at the end of the evening.

If we want to change our culture around drinking and make dining a more inclusive experience, we need to speak out about what we want as consumers. Letting the pub, bar or restaurant know either at the time or after the event by messaging them or emailing them will create positive change. After all, they don't know what they don't know!

I am always on the hunt for places to go out with alcohol-free options, so please let me know if you discover a great location. I like to profile them on my social media so that other people can go there too!


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