The Transformative Dance of Glimmers and Triggers

In a world that often pulls us in different directions, the journey to a Sober mindset is a compass, guiding us toward authentic happiness and growth. Central to this approach are the concepts of "glimmers" and "triggers," two powerful forces that shape our emotional landscapes and influence our perceptions of the world.

Glimmers - Illuminating Moments of Joy and Connection

Glimmers are the small yet brilliant moments that hold the power to uplift our spirits. Coined by Deb Dana, a pioneer in trauma-informed care, glimmers are those fleeting moments when our biology aligns with a sense of connection or calm. Unlike grand experiences, glimmers are subtle sparks that softly influence our nervous system, allowing us to feel safe, secure, and content.

Recognising and embracing glimmers can be a transformative practice. They remind us that we often reach outside ourselves to create joy or escape from our feelings using alcohol or other substances. A sober mindset helps us find this joy from within.

I will share some glimmers I have experienced over the last few weeks, and I invite you to do the same for yourself:

  • Nature's Beauty: Playing in the waves, watching the vibrant sunset, being in awe of the lightning show.

  • Acts of Kindness: Witnessing a stranger's random act of kindness, like holding the door for someone.

  • Connection with Strangers: Sharing a genuine smile with a stranger walking down the street, receiving a warm hug from a friend.

  • Moments of Creativity: Experiencing a burst of inspiration while meditating on what I want to write about and share.

  • Cultural: Enjoying the beautiful ArtHouse globe with my family, looking at art, and listening to people who inspire me.

  • Simple Pleasures: Sipping a hot chocolate, cooking with my husband with fresh ingredients, and listening to my favourite playlist.

  • Acts of Self-Care: Taking a long luxurious bath, practising my dancing and breathwork.

  • Random Surprise: A white feather I discovered in a jumper, seeing the number 1111 most days.

  • Achieving Milestones: Completing this month's coursework for the certification I am currently studying.

  • Sensory Pleasures: Enjoying the scent of a friend's perfume as they greet me, stroking my dog.

  • Moments of Mindfulness: Experiencing a state of peace and calm where I feel fully present in the moment.

  • Unexpected Laughter: Sharing a genuine, hearty laugh with loved ones.

  • Travel Adventures: I went to a sober festival in the UK and pushed myself outside my comfort zone. So many glimmers, too many to mention!

  • Personal Growth: Felt more confident when presenting, more grounded and present.

These are just a few examples of the countless glimmers that can brighten our lives. Glimmers can be found in the most unexpected places and moments, reminding us to cherish the beauty and joy that surrounds us every day.

Triggers - Unearthing Lessons Amidst Discomfort

While glimmers illuminate our path to joy, triggers are the bumps and curves that remind us of our vulnerabilities. Triggers are moments, situations, or thoughts that evoke intense emotional responses, often linked to past experiences. While they may appear as roadblocks, triggers also present an opportunity for growth and healing.

Recognising triggers is the first step in understanding our emotional landscape. By acknowledging them, we can navigate them with increased self-awareness, allowing us to respond thoughtfully rather than reactively. Embracing triggers as catalysts for introspection and change empowers us to rewrite our narrative and forge a stronger, more resilient self.

The Dance Between Glimmers and Triggers

Life is a dance of contrasts, and the interplay between glimmers and triggers is no exception. Embracing a Sober mindset involves mastering this delicate dance and learning to amplify the impact of glimmers while managing the influence of triggers. This harmonious balance allows us to navigate life's currents with grace and purpose.

Practical Strategies for Embracing Glimmers and Mastering Triggers

  • Cultivate Mindfulness: Develop a mindful awareness of your surroundings, thoughts, and emotions. Mindfulness creates the space to identify both glimmers and triggers as they arise.

  • Glimmer and Trigger Journaling: Keep a journal to record moments of joy, connection, and gratitude and be curious about the situations and thoughts that trigger strong emotions. This practice promotes real self-discovery and will act as both a source of inspiration and will create awareness around your triggers too.

  • Pause and Breathe: When confronted with a trigger, take a moment to pause and take a few deep breaths. This simple act interrupts the reactive response and provides a window for conscious choice.

  • Reframe Negative Thoughts: Use triggers as opportunities to challenge and reframe negative thought patterns. Replace self-criticism with self-compassion and empowerment.

  • Seek Support: Engage in conversations with friends, family, or professionals who understand and support your journey. Sharing your experiences can offer fresh perspectives and insights.

  • Create Joyful Rituals: Intentionally incorporate activities that evoke joy and connection into your routine. Engaging in these rituals boosts your capacity to experience glimmers.

  • Practice Self-Reflection: Regularly reflect on your growth journey. Celebrate the progress made and recognise the strength developed through navigating triggers.

A Sober mindset isn't about eliminating challenges or negative emotions; it's about embracing the full spectrum of human experience. By wholeheartedly welcoming glimmers of joy and acknowledging triggers as teachers, we cultivate resilience, self-awareness, and a profound sense of well-being. The journey to a Sober mindset is a continual practice, a commitment to navigating life's currents with authenticity, grace, and a heart open to the magic of both glimmers and triggers. As you embark on this transformative journey, remember that within every trigger lies the potential for growth, and within every glimmer resides the essence of pure, unadulterated joy.


Sober October Leap of Courage.


Unleash Your Hidden Potential.