Full Moon Retreat

On a windy, wet Wednesday evening in October, a group came together at the Jersey Heritage L'Etacquerel Fort for a Full Moon Retreat as part of the Aspiring Jersey Island Geopark Wellness Wednesdays Series. Geoparks are unique places around the world that celebrate the links between people and the Earth.

Sharnelle Guest, Yoga instructor and host for the evening, welcomed us into the fort. You wouldn't have known that there was a storm outside. She had created a cosy space warmed by the fire and lit by candles and fairy lights. It was a sensory treat; insense lifted our spirits, and audio echoed around us, enveloping us in sound. You couldn't help but feel safe and comfortable instantly. I have been to a few retreats, and there seems to be more happening locally, which is excellent news. The location of this event added to the magic of the moment.

We started with a sharing circle, introducing ourselves to the group of fourteen others with a couple of words about how we felt or had been feeling recently and our intention for the evening. A few people around the circle shared that they felt overwhelmed and hoped to feel more aligned after the evening's retreat. This exercise created an instant connection, as people felt supported by the group around them and like they were not alone.

Sharnelle spoke to the group about the power of the Aries Full moon, a great time for celebrating your wins, no matter how small and reassessing your vision and focus. A time to pay attention to what we are hanging on to and letting it go.

The centrepiece had oracle cards and healing crystals such as amethyst and quartz, which are great for healing and clarity. We picked an oracle card and wrote the guidance in our journal.

The affirmation for the evening was I AM. We were encouraged to think about what our I AM affirmation would be; for example:

I am enough. I have the power to overcome obstacles. I trust my abilities. I am unique and brilliant. I am confident in my skin etc. We spend so much time thinking about what we are not, and where the focus goes, energy flows - so the more that we positively affirm, our thoughts have the power to turn into reality.

Managing to get me a spot right by the fire, I felt like a cat warming my face against the heat of the flames. Sharnelle walked around with burnt palo santo, a traditional remedy for pain, inflammation, and stress, to clear out any negative energy.

We then went on to do some slow restorative movements in the form of flow yoga, a body scan meditation, and she used her singing bowl for added sound healing. Slowing down and stretching is just what the doctor should be ordering when stress and overwhelm take over. Movement is medicine for the body, mind and spirit and doing this with a community has added health benefits.

We were offered prompts for our journal.

I leave behind...

I celebrate...

I am...

I call in...

Journaling is something that I have found vital throughout my sober journey. Removing the thoughts from your head and sitting with them can be an enlightening and freeing experience. Journaling allows you to work through your thoughts, creating awareness. The next step was to write the lines on a piece of paper, throwing the paper into the fire as we called in or let go of what no longer serves us, intentionally focussing whilst watching the flames dance and burn.

We were offered food and drink after including strawberries, herbal teas and nourishing energy balls from local coffee shop Downdog. We savoured the taste and spoke with the people around us about our shared experience, connecting and turning strangers into friends.

There is something elemental and nurturing about this kind of social gathering. People let go and leave their egos outside the door. It's a way of resetting and filling your cup with goodness.

Going out to socialise doesn't have to be about getting dressed up and drinking alcohol; you can meet like-minded people in all sorts of unique places; you have to keep an eye out for events. If you are on your own and want to meet others, these events are the perfect place to connect; you might feel discomfort at first but would very quickly feel that dissolve as you meet other friendly soulful faces. There are more and more of this kind of event happening in Jersey, which is excellent news!


Sober Christmas Party Celebrations


Sober Sessions Christmas Party - Only 5 tickets left!