Sober Journaling

Before taking on my Sober Charity Challenge, I set up this blog to document the good, bad, and downright ugly. The blog's purpose was to hold me accountable to people who had sponsored me but ended up as a therapeutic way to get out of my head whilst reflecting on the change I was experiencing and sharing my journey with others. 

I realised that I hadn't written down how I felt since I was a teenager; I used to cram my diaries full of memories, secrets, angst, photos, doodles, ideas and love notes, but somewhere along the way, I stopped doing this. Perhaps we judge ourselves more for our thoughts and feelings as we grow older? I know that to read those journals back now would be cringeworthy, but at the time, it was an excellent way to process all of these new emotions that seemed to be gifted daily.

For the first time probably since then, I had to deal with feelings that I'd previously drowned out and suppressed with alcohol; the blog and a written journal gave me space to decompartmentalise. I also had a lot of inspiration and new ideas, and I needed somewhere to document everything. 

I enjoy reviewing my victories and writing down key lessons that I learn along the way. I write little notes throughout my journal for the times that I might need a little extra boost and reminders to practice gratitude - an exercise that has helped to ground me. I also write positive affirmations, stating what I want to feel like starting with I AM - The more I say these out loud and write them in my journal, the more I believe them and live by them.

My journal offers a prompt for reflection at the end of each month. Questions that I spend time thinking about and writing about include:

  • What was the most memorable part of the month? Describe it.

  • What were the biggest lessons you've learned in the past month?

  • Review your journal. Are you happy with how you spent your time? What might you do differently next month?

  • How are you different between this past month and the month before it?

  • What or who are you incredibly grateful for this past month?

  • If you knew you couldn't fail next month, what would you do?

  • From 1-10, how do you feel overall about the past month?

  • I also tracked how much money I'd raised for charity.

I begin each month by setting intentions. Outlining what I want to focus on, people I want to see, places I want to go, and even writing a 'not to do' list with drinking alcohol always at the top with a big cross through it! I schedule rewards to symbolise achieving something - my first sober everything - including birthdays, hen dos, weddings, Christmas, holidays, the list goes on! After all, I saved a fortune not drinking and could afford to invest in myself.

As soon as I'd felt like I'd moved forward, something would come along and challenge me (it still does now over two years in), dragging me backwards and leaving me to feel vulnerable and triggered. These moments became easier to track through writing in my journal daily, significantly impacting my self-awareness. It's also a great way to show you how far you have come too!

When you write in a journal, it is important not to judge yourself for what comes out. You do not have to be a professional writer, and unless you share it with others, it is only for your eyes. Let the words flow. What comes out might be nonsense, or it might be the 'a-ha moment that you have been waiting to discover. Reflect on what you write with kindness. If someone opened up their heart to you, you would offer them words of support, not judgement, do the same for yourself.

Sometimes I do it in the morning, sometimes I take a break at lunch and sometimes I do it before I go to bed. It is down to the person when they can give themselves the time.

I enjoy creating a mindful moment through a ritual of smelly candles, a beautiful journal, a mug of warming herbal tea - but you could use a piece of paper. There is no right or wrong way. I found that I had a lot of extra time on my hands when I stopped drinking and recovering from drinking, and I wanted to spend it wisely.

Did I mention that it's scientifically proven to reduce stress and help mental well-being? There is plenty of research and evidence to support this claim.

Sharing experiences through my blog also added awareness around a topic that doesn't get discussed much. I was amazed by how many people reached out to me, identifying themselves as a Grey Area 'Problem' Drinker. They knew that alcohol wasn't serving them anymore and that life would change if they were to stop drinking. They thanked me for my honesty. By wearing my heart on my sleeve and being vulnerable, people related to my story and thought about their relationship with alcohol. 

Words hold so much power, and journaling is an activity that I will take great pleasure in for as long as possible.

Journal Inspo:


Don't be a booze bully


Spirit(ual) Awakening