Spirit(ual) Awakening

When I first stopped drinking, I would feel overwhelmed and almost drowned in the energy around me. I realised that not only am I am a sensitive soul but that I had been using drink as a coping mechanism, choosing to play the clown rather than myself, as people might find me too intense. I now know that small talk is something that I struggle with and that I want a deeper connection with someone, and I realise that drinking alcohol used to numb this part of me, allowing me to stay at a surface level.

Since starting my sober journey, I might not drink spirits any more, but my spirits have indeed lifted! Over time, I found myself seeing signs that I no longer could ignore. 

Oracle cards

The first thing I was drawn to were Oracle Cards. An oracle is a person with great wisdom. Oracle card decks are usually beautifully illustrated, and each card holds a message of profound, enduring truth that can help navigate your life. First, you set your intention and focus on what you would like guidance around. I would find with a shuffle, a card would appear, separating itself from the others, sometimes feeling like it had jumped out of the pack! Often, the words will give me a gentle nudge in the right direction, helping me get past any perceived limitations that I may have had and tune into my potential. I have also given friends card readings when they have requested them, and I love seeing their faces light up when the card resonates with them.


My husband had an accident last year, and I distinctly remember walking the dogs and waiting for a call to let us know when our flight would be going to the UK so that he could have surgery. The phone rang to say that we had an hour to get to the airport. I rushed back with the dogs and asked my angels [please insert your spiritual word of choice here - Universe, spirit, god and so on] to show me a sign that everything would be OK. A little robin redbreast presented himself in front of me on the lane, and I will never forget it. The timing was perfect, and it filled me with hope for the trip ahead. Ever since then, whenever I think about needing a reassuring sign, and I am walking down that lane, a robin appears to show me that it will all be OK.

Recently I have seen the numbers 111 - everywhere. I looked it up, and it said that as a divine sign, the general meaning of Angel Number 111 is to wake up to a new awareness of the world around you, awakening your higher consciousness. It says that you begin to see that everything that shows up in your life results from your thoughts and feelings on this new path. 

Our thoughts and feelings are powerful, and through regular, positive, constructive thinking, you can make your desires and dreams become a reality. However, you must not be in a place of need or desperation, and it should come from a place of flow. You genuinely have to believe that whatever you are asking for is possible!


I have always been fascinated by the moon and the effects that it seemed to have on me. I have a T-shirt with 'The moon made me do it' written on it that I wear if I am feeling particularly 'moony'. I started to follow the moon cycles and my energy throughout the month. I tracked my energy, and sure enough, I tended to have 2.5-day cycles where I would be more able to complete certain tasks. Fire energy? A good time for generating excitement, pitching and actively selling. Earth energy? A good time for getting the detail-oriented, repetitive tasks and finances done. Water energy? Take time out to journal, meditate and self-care! I have a collection of crystals that I have near my desk, and every full moon, without fail, I take them out and leave them overnight to charge. Charging them is meant to remove any negative energy they may have absorbed and give you the healing energy for the month ahead.

I recently had an astrology reading, and interestingly enough, I have addiction running through my chart. The chart shows that I will always have this as part of me, but once this is recognised, I can help others to see what is not serving them anymore and help them become sober to their own lives. It was written in the stars; It was my destiny to help others to find happiness within themselves.

Apps that I love

The meaning behind the word

The word alcohol comes from the Arabic word 'al-kuhl', which means 'body eating spirit'; and I believe that when I was drinking, I was also disconnecting from the spirit, a greater power here to guide me towards this deeper purpose and meaning in life.

I thought I was giving up alcohol, but actually, what I was giving up was all of the things that stopped me from seeing who I was and what I needed. I'm wide awake now and open to discovering more about why I am here and how I can help others.

Let me know if this WOO resonates with you!

Love & Light x


Sober Journaling


The Power of Song