The Power of Song

Did you know that singing is good for you on so many levels? Even if you don't have an angel's voice and sound more like a strangled cat, it works as a great release while boosting immunity, lung function, and mental health.

I'm no angel, but I am also no crying cat (my husband might argue otherwise). When I was younger, I loved to sing and was in the school choir, my sister and I used to sing harmonies together in the back of my dad's car (lucky him); our voices seemed to compliment each other nicely. Since then, my singing has been kept strictly to the shower and solo car rides until I heard about 'Vocals with Gia' through Instagram.

Gia spoke about music therapy, and she made it look enjoyable and not intimidating. You didn't have to be a professional; you could come along and fine-tune your voice with no judgement. She shared some of the science behind how singing works as an anti-depressant, mentioning a study by Tom Shakespeare, a professor of disability studies at the University of East Anglia. He completed an experiment with people suffering from depression. The outcome he came to was that "The combination of singing and social engagement produced a feeling of belonging and wellbeing that often lasted for more than a day and, as a weekly engagement, gave ongoing structure, support and contact that kept (the participants) at a higher level of functionality and their moods better than they would be without". She asked me the question "have you ever tried not to cry, perhaps at a funeral, and felt the pain in your throat build when doing so?" I knew exactly the feeling she was describing. She explained to me that this is your Larynx and Pharynx (where you sing from). It is the epicentre of unreleased tension or trauma if you are suppressing feelings or just feeling! It is connected and attached to every emotion and our speech. Even when you laugh loudly you feel it, so you can see why we would all benefit from connecting to singing in someway.

Singing and music allow us to uproot and detach tension and pain from our body. Over time harmonising and balancing vibrations feed our muscle memory and energetic effectiveness.

I wanted to give it a go myself, and she invited me along to a free taster session.

I joined Gia's adult Soul session before the last lockdown; I loved it so much that I invited my sister along for a session and a blast from the past (that’s me and my sister at the top of this article). We picked songs that we remembered singing together and had an hour with Gia, who helped us work on our harmonies. We followed the session with a bite to eat for lunch, and it felt like a lovely afternoon out, doing something different and making memories.

Our songs from the past included:Atomic Kitten - Eternal FlameGabrielle - Out Of Reach

Gia helps you warm up your voice and body through breathwork, helping you release tension through technique and singing a song. The method is a massive part of Gia's teaching as well as healing. She tailors her lessons to the student, depending on what you are looking to gain from the experience.

It did feel weird singing in front of people after all of this time. I mean, it wasn't karaoke after a full day of drinking. We had gone there sober, intending to sing our hearts out. 

When you are a child, you do not have the same inhibitions. You don't worry what others think; all you care about is having fun and feeling good. It's sad that at some point, we decide that unless you are good at something, you shouldn't do it, except for if you are drunk, that is, anything goes when you have had a few drinks. 

I felt empowered in doing it just because it felt good. My motto in life is that if it makes you happy and brings you joy, do more of it. It's as simple as that.

I am looking forward to Gia's Earth Choir starting up again, as there are even more benefits when you sing with others as a community, and by the time the bars open too for Kareoke - I will be getting up on that stage for some sober singing. I can't promise anyone listening that they will enjoy it as much as I will!

My karaoke song - 'More than words' by Extreme.

Find out more about Gia's singing classes >

Current Covid advice: Gia is currently running sessions online and in the private Studio (students choice). You must wear masks & visors, 2-metre distance, window open, fan on for ventilation and sanitise after every lesson. Gia teaches all ages, from babies to adults.


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