Feel the fear and do it anyway!

When was the last time that you felt nerves course through your body? That feeling where you almost feel sick in anticipation of what is going to come next!

This year I want to try new things and to push myself outside of my comfort zone in a continual effort to learn and grow as a human being.

First up this year, I decided that I wanted to be a winter sea swimmer. Why? You might ask. Well, I often see ladies, down the beach just wearing a swimming costume and wading into the sea and they look in the moment and genuinely content, and I think about how lovely that must be. I also crave the adrenalin rush; hunting for a natural, healthy high that makes you buzz afterwards. I stalked a couple of people's Instagram accounts who do this regularly, and they rave about the wellbeing benefits and how worthwhile the experience is. I checked what gear they all seemed to have in common, including wet suit gloves and booties, beanie hat, cosy dryrobe to warm up afterwards and purchased the lot. I now had all the gear and no idea. I told a few friends of my intention and waited for an invite. I knew that some of them had recently given this a go themselves for the first time, if they were going to attempt it again, then there must be something in it?

When the invitation came in, I was in two minds. What had I done? Why was I going to put myself through this? I couldn't back out now, though. I would let the side down, and after investing in all the gear, I had to try it out at least once. The sun was shining, so if I wriggled out of doing it now, I was never going to do it!

Tip: I always tell people when I want to do something to hold myself accountable as if I don't tell anyone I can get away with not doing it. Not doing it would mean being stuck and not growing, so this was not an option. 

My friends had been before, so they knew what to expect and braced me for what was coming. As you may have read before, it's not for the fate hearted, and it's not something that you would or should do on your own due to safety.

So, I wouldn't call it a swim as such; I think I have to work up to this, more a 2-minute dunk in the freezing water! The sea temp was 9 degrees, I gradually entered and felt like my skin was burning. After releasing a scream, my friend reminded me to breathe, exhaling deeply and slowly. I appreciate that I haven't painted a picture of a pleasant experience, but it felt exhilarating and gave me the rush that I was craving. After warming up slowly, we jumped in a warm shower, which felt so good. We rewarded ourselves with a sausage roll and hot chocolate takeaway from Sumas, and I felt a sense of achievement. My body also felt so relaxed for the rest of the day. There must be something in your body being shocked within an inch of its life that helps you wind down afterwards.

Beyond the health benefits, in Jersey, we are surrounded by sea, and it's free. I figure if I can get in now, then by the time the summer comes around, you won't be able to get me out!

There are many local sea swimming groups so that you can find other like-minded people who like to freeze their Blue Tits off (that's the name of one of the groups - thebluetits.co)

There is excellent guidance online regarding staying safe in the water. Make sure to read this before your first dunk in the winter (movemore.je).

I want this year to be full of new experiences. There are currently limitations due to COVID, but it is good to have something to look forward to. 

If you have any ideas of things that I can try out, please let me know, and I'll give them a go!


Feeling Loss


New year, new you