Gratitude Attitude

The last few weeks have been a bit of an emotional rollercoaster, full of highs and lows. I have kept myself busy in an attempt to stop myself from overthinking, which has then in turn left me feeling tired; throw a big pink moon into the mix and I reached a real low point at the end of last week, feeling disconnected from everyone and like I’d lost myself and sense of purpose.

Feel the feeling but don’t become the emotion. Witness it. Allow it. Release it

I was looking forward to the long bank holiday weekend, a chance to step away from the computer and to recharge on the balcony in the sunshine. I grabbed my iPad and took a moment to think about everything that I am grateful for. I find that by doing this exercise once in a while, it reminds you of everything that you are so lucky to have.

I have to keep reminding myself to focus on what I CAN control and to let go and trust that everything else will fall into place when the time is right. I need to release doubts and fears and open myself to receiving the abundance which I deserve and I am worthy of. I will share my list below in case it helps to inspire you to do your own and to see the light through the darkness.

Stop trying to calm the storm. Calm yourself. The storm will pass.

I am grateful for…

  • Loved ones, the beautiful souls in my life - my lockdown lover, family, furbabies and friends. I attract good, genuine people into my life who I appreciate every day

  • I am healthy, my loved ones are healthy

  • Thankful for everything I take for granted...for example, my breath, breathing deeply in and out with ease

  • I am kind and caring and know that everything I do comes from a place of love and with good intention

  • Our comfy apartment and our BALCONY! I have never been so happy to have an outside space in my life

  • Food, water, coffee, clothes - I am prosperous, I can afford to live a comfortable life. I enjoy tasty food every day and I have more clothes in the cupboard than I could ever need. This experience has highlighted that I have a lot of superficial things, this desire to have more has subsided being replaced with gratitude towards what I have already

  • My job and co workers - The ability to stay connected because of technology. I love learning and the past few weeks have taught me a lot

  • All the people risking their own lives every day on the front line whilst we stay safe at home

  • 2 hours of freedom a day- breathe in the fresh air and stretch your legs because…you can. I like to take the dogs down to the waters edge, take my shoes off and feel the sand between my toes

  • TLC - Time to rest and sleep, meditate, relax in the bath

  • The view from my window - a plump of geese flying past, the sun setting on another day

  • iPad & iPen - Reading, writing, drawing, watching, house partying - most used present I have ever received

  • Music - Spotify’s Discover weekly and daily playlists

  • Vanmoof electric bike - zooming around the island waving at loved ones through the window, a car to go to the shops in

  • Sobriety is one of the things which is helping my mental wellbeing and ensuring that I turn up every damn day to support the people and things that are important to me. Using my energy wisely. Staying sober is something that I have to work on most days. It is especially difficult when people try to encourage you to have a drink, just to make themselves feel better about their own alcohol consumption. I know that there is no malice in what they are doing, but I choose to be sober because I am a better human being without alcohol

  • Alcohol Free Beer - The experience minus the fuzzy head and hangover

  • I work on becoming a better version of myself every day. Knocking self sabotaging behaviours on the head. I have noticed that I have started comfort eating chocolate. Indulging more than I should, I can see this obsessive, compulsive behaviour creeping in. It isn’t making me feel good. Solution, stop buying the chocolate, stop eating the chocolate - Simples! (the same would work for alcohol for those of you wanting to cut down). I have been wallowing in negative thought patters, solution…this gratitude list.

  • Listening to my intuition and tuning into my spirit guides. Embracing the freedom of the unknown rather than being scared of it. Learning to slow down and to enjoy the journey, keeping myself open to opportunities presented to me

  • I am reminded that I have a unique message which I need to share. I can help others who feel trapped in their own negative behaviour loop. I need to put myself out there in order to reach and help those people who relate to me and my personal story

  • I am brave, courageous and resilient and can get through anything with a positive mindset. I need to stop worrying or stressing and accept that I am exactly where I need to be right now and everything will happen when it’s meant to; what is for me will not pass me…what will be will be! I am confident in my ability to turn things around and I will always find a reason to be happy and to smile (there are quite a few stated above)

  • I believe in myself and will always come out stronger and wiser!


The Feelings Pendulum


Keep your spirits up (& wash your hands)