Cool AF Options

Before starting this Alcohol Free (AF) Journey, I did some research into AF alternatives, because after all, “by failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail.”

I reluctantly visited Dunells at Beaumont, thinking that I would be marched out of the shop when they heard that I was looking for the Alcohol Free Section. How wrong could I have been? The team there were all really supportive and the lady at the till (Viv) shared that she hasn’t drank for 3 years and will never look back. I then put two and two together and realised that the sign stating ‘Viv’s pick’ must have been her tipple of choice.

Below are a couple of the AF options on offer at Dunells and my ratings on each of them - some are most definitely better than others! I will keep adding to this blog as and when I try new AF options!

Carl Jung Sparkling Wine

Looks like bubbles, tastes like bubbles. This is an absolute winner for when you still want to be involved.

Dunells description

“An excellent off-dry sparkling wine suitable for toasting and excellent with food. Superb flavour with long lasting fine bubbles, very refreshing. Carl Jung wines contain around 22 calories per 100ml glass (many times less than traditional wine) and 0.2% alcohol by volume.
The Carl Jung range of quality alcohol free wines has been carefully developed to provide a selection of attractive wines suitable for all different tastes and occasions. Carl Jung select quality wines and then remove the alcohol using a natural process of vacuum extraction at low temperature (under 30°C). This method does not cause thermal breakdown since the processing temperatures are no higher than those in fermentation. Because this process takes only a few minutes, the delicate ingredients of the wine are preserved intact (tannins, anthocyanins and trace elements). The alcohol is removed from the wine under strict conditions of hygiene and does not require the addition of any preservatives. Carl Jung should always be served chilled.”

Win Tempranillo Red Wine

I couldn’t pay my Steve to drink this with me. I must admit, it wasn’t the best - if you were going to a red wine event and wanted to fit in, then it does look like red wine. It does not taste like it though! I bought the range that they had available of these and I am not in a rush to drink the rest!

Dunells description

“Win Tempranillo - previously known as Eminasin Tempranillo – is a young Spanish wine from Valbueno de Duero in the Castile-Leon region. It has a formulation that differs from the original Eminasin Tempranillo giving a new balance of flavours. It's fresher on the palate but with a more rounded mouth feel and the same intoxicating aromas of summer fruits and a hint of licorice, vanilla and sweet tannins with a clear cardinal red colour.
Due to it's new formulation, Win Tempranillo has slightly fewer calories than the original Eminasin Tempranillo, it's suitable for diabetics and vegans, and it's only 0.2% ABV so it's even better for your health!
This is an ideal accompaniment to pasta dishes and cheese.”


Poorly AF


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